Player morrendo ao Spawnar - LeleziiN - 16/04/2021
Bom galera quando o player vai spawnar no servidor ele morre, não sei o pq desse bug, já olhei o OnPlayerSpawn e o OnPlayerConnect mais não encontrei nada de errado se vcs poderem mim ajuda agradeço muito.
Poderiam mim ajuda por favor?
RE: Player morrendo ao Spawnar - Vaca_Marinha - 16/04/2021
Teria que ver quais funções são chamadas quando o player conecta/spawn/requestclass e talz
RE: Player morrendo ao Spawnar - xbruno1000x - 16/04/2021
Veja se tem alguma setagem de vida. De repente você tem um sistema de salvar a vida do player que está sendo chamado quando o player spawna.
RE: Player morrendo ao Spawnar - LeleziiN - 16/04/2021
(16/04/2021 12:19)xbruno1000x Escreveu: Veja se tem alguma setagem de vida. De repente você tem um sistema de salvar a vida do player que está sendo chamado quando o player spawna.
Na CallBack OnPlayerSpawn tinha feito isso aqui para chama a vida do player
Código PHP: if(PrimeiroSpawn[playerid] == 1) { new Float:VidaAnterior = dUserFLOAT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Vida"); if(VidaAnterior < 1) VidaAnterior = 99.0; SetPlayerHealth(playerid, VidaAnterior); }
Tá errado?
RE: Player morrendo ao Spawnar - LeleziiN - 16/04/2021
Alguém para mim ajuda pfvr?
RE: Player morrendo ao Spawnar - LeleziiN - 18/04/2021
Creio que conseguir resolver o problema, testei aqui e não aconteceu mais nada até o exato momento!
RE: Player morrendo ao Spawnar - LeleziiN - 20/04/2021
Bom pensei que teria resolve mais nada ainda, se alguém poder mim ajuda agradeço muito.
Chame no discord: LeleziiN#6392
RE: Player morrendo ao Spawnar - LeleziiN - 22/04/2021
CallBack OnplayerConnect
Código PHP: public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, loadTela1); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, loadTela2); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, loadTela3); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, loadTela4); SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0x000000AA); new rand = random(sizeof(vanillaunicorn)); PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, vanillaunicorn[rand][0]);//7 SendClientCheck(playerid, 0x48, 0, 0, 2); //TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TelaInteira); TotalConexoes ++; DarIPs(playerid); PediuMusica[playerid] = false; //Punir(playerid); new hour,minute,second; gettime(hour,minute,second); SetPlayerTime(playerid,hour,minute); if(IsPlayerAndroid(playerid)) EstaMobile[playerid] = 1; ComecouAColher[playerid] = false; TrigoAviso[playerid] = 0; TerminouDeColher[playerid] = false; Esta_Plantando[playerid] = false; Plantado[playerid] = false; Tiros[playerid] = 0; Faleceu[playerid] = 0; TempoOnline[playerid] = 0; SetPVarInt(playerid, "admintotal", 0); SetPVarInt(playerid, "cverG", 0); SetPVarInt(playerid, "cver", 0); // VeiculoSemGas[playerid] = -1; GPSJogador[playerid] = 0; TempoTutorial[playerid] = 0; PedindoPermissaoNick[playerid] = 0; ErrouAdminTotal[playerid] = 0; ErrouRCON[playerid] = 0; PedindoPermissaoNick[playerid] = 0; DLlast[playerid] = -1; FPS2[playerid] = -1; VaiPreso[playerid] = 0; AdminTotal[playerid] = 0; TempoX[playerid] = 0; SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); Vip[playerid] = 0; Trabalhou2[playerid] = 0; FoiKicklol[playerid] = 0; PAE[playerid][0] = 0.0; PAE[playerid][1] = 0.0; PAE[playerid][2] = 0.0; PE[playerid] = -1; VidaG[playerid] = 0.0; Moderador[playerid] = -1; ErrouSenhaModerador[playerid] = 0; PodeVerG[playerid] = 0; NadaDeMais[playerid] = 0; GPSAdm[playerid] = 0; TaEspiando[playerid] = 0; UsouCapacete[playerid] = 0; P_Preso[playerid] = -1; EntregouCarga[playerid] = 0; QtdSET[playerid] = 0; KillTimer(TempoResetarP[playerid]); TempoRAtivado[playerid] = 0; JogadorSalvo[playerid] = 0;// if((DueloX[0] == playerid) || (DueloX[1] == playerid)) KillTimer(TDuelo[0]); if((DueloX[2] == playerid) || (DueloX[3] == playerid)) KillTimer(TDuelo[1]); if((DueloX[4] == playerid) || (DueloX[5] == playerid)) KillTimer(TDuelo[2]); for(new D = 0; D < 4; D ++) if(DueloX[D] == playerid) CmdDuelo(DueloX[D], 1); if(JogadoresOn() > 180) { if(dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Vip") == 0) { // SendClientMessage(playerid, CORX1, "| ERRO | Desculpe, o server já ultrapassou o número máximo de jogadores on-line (180)!"); // SendClientMessage(playerid, CORX1, "| ERRO | Apenas jogadores VIPs podem ocupar os slots restantes."); FoiKicklol[playerid] = 0; //GameTextForPlayer(I,"~r~Kickado!",1200,5); // Kick(playerid); return 1; } } /*if((strfind(Nomex(playerid), "]", true) != -1) || (strfind(Nomex(playerid), "[", true) != -1)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, CORX1, "| ERRO | Nome incorreto! Utilize sem [ ]"); Kick(playerid); FoiKicklol[playerid] = 1; return 1; }*/ //if(VerificarADMaster(playerid) == 1) TimerAntiFake[playerid] = SetTimerEx("AntiFakex", 30000, false, "i", playerid); if((playerid,dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("iPod")) != 0) { new M[128]; format(M, sizeof(M), dini_Get(iPodsFile((playerid,dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("iPod"))), "Inicial")); if(strcmp(M, "0", true) != 0) { OuvindoMusica[playerid] = 2; VerificaMusica(playerid, M); } } RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 6463, 389.7734, -2028.4688, 19.8047, 0.5); RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3751, 389.8750, -2035.3828, 29.9531, 50); RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 6298, 389.7734, -2028.4688, 19.8047, 0.5); RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 6461, 389.7734, -2028.5000, 20.1094, 0.5); RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3752, 389.8750, -2028.5000, 32.2266, 50); //Barras de ferro da Agência de LS RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 4102, 1105.3906, -1794.9063, 15.2422, 0.25); for(new O = 0; O < MAX_PLAYER_ATTACHED_OBJECTS; O ++) //if(IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, O)) RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, O); PreloadAnimLib(playerid,"BOMBER"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid,"RAPPING"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid,"SHOP"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid,"BEACH"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid,"SMOKING"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid,"FOOD"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid,"ON_LOOKERS"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid,"DEALER"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid,"CRACK"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid,"CARRY"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid,"COP_AMBIENT"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid,"PARK"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid,"INT_HOUSE"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid,"FOOD"); PreloadAnimLib(playerid,"PED"); PlayerInfoC[playerid][SpawnDance] = true; ApplyAnimation(playerid,"DANCING","DNCE_M_B",4.0,1,0,0,0,-1); //preventing a bMG for the animation not being applied the first time OnPlayerRequestClass is called /*TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,LetterBox[0]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,LetterBox[1]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,Textdraw1x[playerid]);*/ KillTimer(DelMsgBotMatou[playerid]); KillTimer(DelMsgBotPM[playerid]); KillTimer(DelMsgBotDesculpa[playerid]); KillTimer(DelMsgBotMorreu[playerid]); KillTimer(DelBotDivulgar[playerid]); KillTimer(DelFinalBotMatou[playerid]); SetPVarInt(playerid, "Veiculos", 0); format(TextoMSN[playerid][0], 100, "?"); format(TextoMSN[playerid][1], 100, "?"); format(TextoMSN[playerid][2], 100, "?"); JogadorBOT[playerid] = 0; AntiDeAMX(); new S[128], IP[16], Cidade[24]; GetPlayerIp(playerid, IP, sizeof(IP)); Moderador[playerid] = 0; dUserSet(PlayerName(playerid)).("UltimoIP", IP); for(new I = 0; I < MAX_PLAYERS; I ++) { if((IsPlayerConnected(I)) && (VerificarADM(I) == 1) || (IsPlayerConnected(I)) && (VerificarMod(I) == 1)) { if(Linguagem[I] == 0) { if(udb_Exists(PlayerName(playerid))) format(S, sizeof(S),"{00FF00}•••{FFFFFF} %s [ID: %d - IP: %s] conectou-se ao servidor", NJogador(playerid), playerid, IP); else format(S, sizeof(S),"{FF0000}•••{FFFFFF} %s [ID: %d - IP: %s] entrou no server", NJogador(playerid), playerid, IP); } else { if(udb_Exists(PlayerName(playerid))) format(S, sizeof(S),"{00FF00}•••{FFFFFF} %s [ID: %d - IP: %s] He connected to the server", NJogador(playerid), playerid, IP); else format(S, sizeof(S),"{FF0000}•••{FFFFFF} %s [ID: %d - IP: %s] He entered the server", NJogador(playerid), playerid, IP); } if(Sla[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(I, ~1, S); } } else { if(Linguagem[I] == 0) { if(udb_Exists(PlayerName(playerid))) format(S, sizeof(S),"{00FF00}•••{FFFFFF} %s [ID: %d] conectou-se ao servidor", NJogador(playerid), playerid, IP); else format(S, sizeof(S),"{FF0000}•••{FFFFFF} %s [ID: %d] conectou-se ao servidor", NJogador(playerid), playerid, Cidade, IP); } else { if(udb_Exists(PlayerName(playerid))) format(S, sizeof(S),"{00FF00}•••{FFFFFF} %s [ID: %d] He connected to the server", NJogador(playerid), playerid, IP); else format(S, sizeof(S),"{FF0000}•••{FFFFFF} %s [ID: %d] He connected to the server", NJogador(playerid), playerid, Cidade, IP); } if(Sla[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(I, ~1, S); } } } for(new l = 0; l < 20; l ++) SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, " "); if(Sla[playerid] == 1) { new string[256], random1,random2; new LevelBot[256]; new totalconexoes = 0; for(new I = 0; I < MAX_PLAYERS; I++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(I)) { new pIP[251]; GetPlayerIp(I, pIP, sizeof(pIP)); if(strcmp(IP, pIP) == 0) { if(NadaDeMais[I] == 0) { totalconexoes++; } } } } if(totalconexoes == 1) { new SXX[200]; for(new I = 0; I < MAX_PLAYERS; I ++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(I) && strfind(PlayerName(I), dini_Get("Config.txt", "NickMaster"),true) != -1) { format(SXX, sizeof(SXX), "~> %s [%d] conectou-se no servidor (IP %s)",NJogador(playerid) , playerid, IP); SendClientMessage(I, 0x33FF33AA, SXX); } } } if(!udb_Exists(PlayerName(playerid)) && totalconexoes > 1) { random1 = random(sizeof(NomesBot)); random2 = random(sizeof(NomesBot)); VezesSortear = trunc((random(75 - 1) + 1) / 3); for(new V = 0; V <= VezesSortear; V ++) { new Parar = (random(10 - 1) + 1); LevelBot[playerid] = (random(50 - 1) + 1); if(Parar == 7) break; } new SX[200]; for(new I = 0; I < MAX_PLAYERS; I ++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(I) && strfind(PlayerName(I), dini_Get("Config.txt", "NickMaster"),true) != -1) { format(SX, sizeof(SX), "~> %s [%d] [BOT] entrou! (By: %s | Level: %d) (Latência 2/5)",NomesBot[random1] , playerid, NJogador(playerid), LevelBot[playerid]); SendClientMessage(I, 0x33FF33AA, SX); } } //SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1786.4301,-1298.4916,13.3750); format(string, sizeof(string), "| ATENÇÃO | Entre com uma conta registrada!!!!!!!!!!", NomesBot[random1], LevelBot[playerid]); SendClientMessage(playerid, vermelhox, string); SetPlayerName(playerid,NomesBot[random2]); SetPlayerName(playerid,NomesBot[random1]); SetPlayerScore(playerid, LevelBot[playerid]); KillTimer(DelMsgBot[playerid]); JogadorBOT[playerid] = 1; if(VelocidadeBOT > 0) { SetTimerEx("MsgBot", 1000, false, "i", playerid); AtualizarBOT[playerid] = 1; } } } if(VerificarADM(playerid) == 1) { new SX[200]; for(new I = 0; I < MAX_PLAYERS; I ++) { if(strfind(PlayerName(I), dini_Get("Config.txt", "NickMaster"),true) != -1) { format(SX, sizeof(SX), "| AUTENTICAÇÃO | %s [ID: %d] está como administrador(a)!", PlayerName(playerid), playerid); SendClientMessage(I, 0x33FF33AA, SX); } } } for(new C = 0; C < TOTALCPSADM; C ++) { JaPegouEsseCP[playerid][C] = 0; } for(new i = 0; i != 12; i++) { ArmaSalvada[playerid][i] = 0; MunicaoSalvada[playerid][i] = 0; } for(new J = 0; J < MAX_PLAYERS; J ++) { JaVendeuArma[playerid][J] = 0; } Logado[playerid] = 0; MesQueMudou[playerid] = 0; VezesQueMudou[playerid] = 0; UsandoRefrigerante[playerid] = 0; PlayerInBalloon[playerid] = -1; ModoMenuMusica[playerid] = 1; QuantidadeExtintor = 0; MaconhaProduzida[playerid] = 0; JaVotouVB[playerid] = 0; PegouExtintor[playerid] = 0; OldWeapon[playerid]=0; RecebendoMusica[playerid] = 0; HoldingWeapon[playerid]=0; CelularRecebendo[playerid] = -1; iPodON[playerid] = 0; CelularLigando[playerid] = -1; MusicaAtual[playerid] = 0; NoCelular[playerid] = -1; OuvindoMusica[playerid] = 0; NoMSN[playerid] = -1; ModificandoM[playerid] = 0; ExecutandoSom[playerid] = 0; SetPlayerTeam(playerid, playerid); MandandoSMS[playerid] = -1; JaRespawnou[playerid] = 0; LendoCelular[playerid] = -1; Distancia[playerid] = 0; Contrabandeada[playerid] = 0; Cash[playerid] = 0; usandogps[playerid] = -1; TotalQueMatou[playerid] = 0; MsgCartaoAtivada[playerid] = 0; LigandoPublico[playerid] = -1; TelaPrincipal[playerid] = -1; CapaCelular[playerid] = 0; StatusCelular[playerid] = 1; BateriaCelular[playerid] = 0; RealizouChamada[playerid] = 0; Apertou[playerid] = 0; UsandoRobo[playerid] = 0; CartaoDeCredito[playerid] = 0; AntiVirus[playerid] = 0; Taser[playerid] = 0; Capacete[playerid] = 0; Bazuca[playerid] = 0; MunicaoBazuca[playerid] = 0; Despertador[playerid] = 0; iPod[playerid] = 0; H_D[playerid] = 0; M_D[playerid] = 0; NotebookAberto[playerid] = 0; Notebook[playerid] = 0; Celular[playerid] = 0; Tecla[playerid] = 0; MSNRecebendo[playerid] = -1; MSNLigando[playerid] = -1; ChatProximoAtivado[playerid] = 0; for(new E = 0; E < TOTALEMPRESAS; E ++) EntradaLiberada[E][playerid] = 0; for(new E = 0; E < TOTALDPOSTOS; E ++) EntradaLiberadaPostoD[E][playerid] = 0; TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextFutebol); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextBasquete); SetPlayerFightingStyle (playerid, FIGHT_STYLE_NORMAL); //GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~y~Mundo ~y~Virtual ~g~- ~b~TSSA", 500, 0); VisualizandoCasa[playerid] = -1; VisualizandoEmpresa[playerid] = -1; PescaInProgress[playerid] = 0; MandouMSGCarregado[playerid] = 0; Minutos[playerid] = 11; PosicaoTela[playerid] = 0; NumeroCelular[playerid] = 0; VerCmdsPM[playerid] = 1; Segundos[playerid] = 60; IndiceCelular[playerid] = 0; CriouTapete[playerid] = -1; CriouMina[playerid] = -1; TempoVoltarVeiculo[playerid] = -1; TempoEntrarBus[playerid] = -1; RemoveuVeiculo[playerid] = 0; Continuou[playerid] = 0; SetPlayerArmour(playerid, 0.0); Jetpack[playerid] = 0; CelularAberto[playerid] = 0; Procurado[playerid] = 0; SemParar[playerid] = 0; PortaArmas[playerid] = 0; TeleporteON[playerid] = 0; CreditosCelular[playerid] = 0; TatuagemAtual[playerid] = 0; CacaInProgress[playerid] = 0; SucatasRecolhidas[playerid] = 0; CaixoesRecolhidos[playerid] = 0; RotaBusJob[playerid] = 0; Entrarbus[playerid] = 0; Profissao[playerid] = 1; AlugouUmVeiculo[playerid] = 0; FoiProEvento[playerid] = 0; CriandoEnquete[playerid] = 0; PlanoDeSaude[playerid] = 0; PediuParaRodar[playerid] = 0; JaVotou[playerid] = 0; PagouPedagio[playerid] = 1; AreaSucata[playerid] = 0; AreaCaixao[playerid] = 0; ParteDoTutorial[playerid] = 0; TotalDeCpsQuePegou[playerid] = 0; GanhouArmas[playerid] = 0; NoTelefone[playerid] = -1; NoCelular[playerid] = -1; PLAYERLIST_authedx[playerid] = false; Carregamento[playerid] = 0; CarregamentoC[playerid] = 0; CarregamentoM[playerid] = 0; CarregamentoCF[playerid] = 0; JaAvisouDaArma[playerid] = 0; PlayerNaImobiliaria[playerid] = 0; PlayerNaDina[playerid] = 0; PlayerNoDetran[playerid] = 0; PlayerNoCassino[playerid] = 0; PlayerNoHotel[playerid] = 0; PlayerNoQuarto[playerid] = -1; PrintON[playerid] = 0; SetPlayerArmour(playerid, 0.0); PrimeiroSpawn[playerid] = 1;//1 PegoNoRadar[playerid] = 0; ContaCriada[playerid] = 0; PodePegarJetpack[playerid] = 0; ConjuntoLuzes[playerid] = 0; Jetpack[playerid] = 0; TaUsandoLan[playerid] = 0; ViewerAngle[playerid] = 0; JaProcurou[playerid] = 0; Exp[playerid] = 0; PosicaoOferecidaX[playerid] = 0.0; PosicaoOferecidaY[playerid] = 0.0; PosicaoOferecidaZ[playerid] = 0.0; TituloEleitor[playerid] = 0; TemRendaExtra[playerid] = 0; PlayerNaAgencia[playerid] = 0; PlayerNoPalacio[playerid] = 0; PlayerNoBanco[playerid] = 0; PlayerNoHospital[playerid] = 0; PlayerNaDP[playerid] = 0; TrocouDeProf[playerid] = 0; PlayerNoEstadio[playerid] = -1; PlayerNaLoja[playerid] = -1; AvisouRecebendo[playerid] = 0; TempoAFK3[playerid] = 0; AchouX[playerid] = 0; UsandoAnimacao[playerid] = 0; EstaNoRc[playerid] = 0; ComMercadoria[playerid] = 0; Bloqueado[playerid] = 0; NumeroBloqueado[playerid] = 0; Vigiando[playerid] = 0; Enviando[playerid] = -1; TimeFutebol[playerid] = 0; TimeBasquete[playerid] = 0; Futebol[playerid] = 0; Basquete[playerid] = 0; Pepitas1[playerid] = 0; Pepitas2[playerid] = 0; Pepitas4[playerid] = 0; Pepitas5[playerid] = 0; Pepitas3[playerid] = 0; Minerando[playerid] = 0; Apostando[playerid] = 0; Recebendo[playerid] = -1; Produto[playerid] = -1; Opcao[playerid] = 0; TempoAFK2[playerid] = 0; DominandoBase[playerid] = 0; TempoBase[playerid] = TempoDefinido; BaseXxX[playerid] = -1; FF[playerid] = 4.1; o1[playerid] = 0; o2[playerid] = 1; o3[playerid] = 1; o4[playerid] = 1; o5[playerid] = 1; JaAlgemou[playerid] = -1; KillTimer(TempoAlgemaPM[playerid]); gPlayerUsingLoopingAnim[playerid] = 0; gPlayerAnimLibsPreloaded[playerid] = 0; PodeCriarGC[playerid] = 0; PodeCriarVeiculo[playerid] = 0; TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Velocidadex[playerid]); EstaDentroDeCasa[playerid] = 0; EstaDentroDePosto[playerid] = 0; EstaDentroDeEmpresa[playerid] = 0; CasaAtual[playerid] = -1; CasaAtualX[playerid] = -1; PostoAtual[playerid] = -1; PostoAtualX[playerid] = -1; EmpresaAtual[playerid] = -1; SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); JaAvisouDrogas[playerid] = 0; VeiculosCriados[playerid] = 1; HabNautica[playerid] = 0; HabTerrestre[playerid] = 0; HabAerea[playerid] = 0; HabArmas[playerid] = 0; HabHVG[playerid] = 0; HabHVA[playerid] = 0; JaAvisouBebida[playerid] = 0; DinheiroUG[playerid] = 0; Spawnadox[playerid] = 0; AreaFavela[playerid] = 0; AreaRC[playerid] = 0; Velocimetrox[playerid] = 0; RelogioUP[playerid] = 0; GalaoDeGasolina[playerid] = 0; Oculos[playerid] = 0; Bone[playerid] = 0; Arara[playerid] = 0; AraraComida[playerid] = 0; Celular[playerid] = 0; Dinamites[playerid] = 0; Nivel[playerid] = 0; Banco[playerid] = 0; PPos[playerid][0] = 0; AreaPosto[playerid] = -1; AreaDescarregar[playerid] = 0; AreaDescarregarC[playerid] = 0; AreaPesca[playerid] = 0; AreaDrogas[playerid] = 0; AreaCaca[playerid] = 0; AreaCarregar[playerid] = 0; AreaConcreto[playerid] = 0; AreaCF[playerid] = 0; AreaDCF[playerid] = 0; AreaPetroleo[playerid] = 0; PPos[playerid][1] = 0; TempoViagemAtivado[playerid] = 0; AeroportoDestino[playerid] = 0; Voando[playerid] = 0; bebado[playerid] = 0; ResolveuSair[playerid] = 0; Cocaina[playerid] = 0; TempoPescaAtivado[playerid] = 0; Heroina[playerid] = 0; Maconha[playerid] = 0; dinamiting[playerid] = 0; Morreu[playerid] = 0; Spaawnado[playerid] = 0; TempoHospitalizado[playerid] = 0; ChecarHospital(playerid); PassagemLV[playerid] = 0; PassagemLS[playerid] = 0; PassagemSF[playerid] = 0; PassagemLC[playerid] = 0; JaVendeu[playerid] = 0; JaFezSkin[playerid] = 0; Preso[playerid] = 0; PPos[playerid][2] = 0; TempoAFK1[playerid] = 0; SetPlayerMoneyEx(playerid, 0); PodeSerPunido[playerid] = 1; PodeMudarDeNick[playerid] = 0; LiberadoPorUmJuiz[playerid] = 0; TaPresoX[playerid] = 0; tries[playerid] = 0; PLAYERLIST_authed[playerid]=false;
SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 1, 2759.9641,-2455.3213,13.5451, 51, 1);//Área de Carregamento - LS SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 2, 589.6979, 869.7552, -42.4973, 11, 1);//Área de Carregamento de Concreto - FC SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 3, -2261.7720,2311.2524,4.8125, 51, 1);//Área de Descaregarregamento - Bayside SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 4, -1632.6943,-2239.0200,31.4766, 12, 1);//Área de Caça - Floresta de SF SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 5, 378.7466,-2079.5320,7.8359, 9, 1);//Área de Pesca - Praia de LS SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 6, 836.2839,-2062.3879,12.8672, 9, 1);//Ilha de LS SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 7, -2442.6592,753.3082,35.1719, 23, 1);//Agência de empregos SF SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 8, 2483.1624,1527.2996,11.2495, 23, 1);//Agência de empregos LV SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 9, 711.0707,-569.3646,16.3359, 23, 1);//Agência de empregos Dillimore SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 10, -88.9153,1210.2637,19.7422, 23, 1);//Agência de empregos Deserto SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 11, -1100.0844,-1648.2660,76.3672, 24, 1);//Área de Drogas SF SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 12, 2905.0347,-2051.5798,3.5480, 9, 1);//Vulcão de LS SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 13, 1346.1621,2152.3716,11.0156, 48, 1);//Futebol SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 14, 2188.8315,1677.3241,11.1165, 15, 1);//Cassino SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 15, -2243.0322,128.6258,35.3203, 47,1);//Zero RC SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 16, -2189.5068,2414.0986,5.1563, 26,1);//Área de pegar mercadorias SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 17, 2194.1248,-999.5197,63.1533, 24,1);//Duelo SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 18, 1786.5758,-1298.4551,13.3750, 38, 1);//Shopping SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 19, 1554.2588,-1675.6451,16.1953, 30, 1);//Polícia LS SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 20, -2119.2495,-444.1713,35.5313, 33, 1);//Corrida SF, porque LS e LV já tem SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 21, 1479.9905,-1782.6799,21.0903, dini_Int("Presidente.txt", "Icone"), 1);//Palácio TSSA SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 22, 1742.6752,-1459.9480,13.5047, 35, 0, 0); //Lan House LS SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 23, 2219.9304,-1047.0977,57.6890, 6, 1); //Ammu favela SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 24, 2286.9946,2431.5942,10.8203, 30, 1);//Polícia LV SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 25, -217.4674,979.2083,19.5021, 30, 1);//Polícia FC SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 26, -1605.5869,711.0419,13.8672, 30, 1);//Polícia SF SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 27, 594.6620,-1245.3474,18.1138, 25, 1);//Imobiliária SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 28, -1952.9211,305.5218,35.4688, 53, 1);//Wang Cars SF SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 29, 385.5559,2599.9951,16.4844, 51, 1);//Área de Contrabando SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 30, -1843.3904,-1626.4279,21.8169, 11, 1);//Depósito de Sucatas - Sucateiro SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 31, 330.9995,-1514.8750,35.8672, 49, 1);//Hotel LS SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 32, 199.7305,1405.7062,60.1355, 51, 1);//Área de Carregamento - Green Palms SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 33, 2823.0300,929.4835,13.7707, 51, 1);//Área de Descaregarregamento - Fallen Tree SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 34, -539.3393,-510.9069,35.1618, 51, 1);//Área de Descaregarregamento - Linden Side SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 35, -2124.9736,-146.6313,35.3203, 51, 1);//Área de Descaregarregamento - Doherty SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 36, -2026.5099,-101.3711,35.1641, 53, 1);//Detran de SF SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 37, 2536.7520,2259.8025,10.8203, 24, 1);//Templo da Sra. Diná SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 38, 2767.94458008,-2004.87402344,13.21506500, 8, 1);//Basquete SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 39, -818.60919189,1551.20117188,27.14157867, 18, 1);//Contrabando de armas // SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 50, 1254.1765,-1655.2214,12.6719, 53, 1);//Otto's SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 40, 1153.9818,-1771.4083,16.5992, 23, 1);//Agência de empregos LS SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 41, -1843.3904,-1626.4279,21.8169, 60, 1);//Depósito de Caixões - Funeraio SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 42, 1172.4631,-1323.2786,15.4029, 22, 1); //Hospital de LS SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 43, 2034.1473,-1402.5370,17.2946, 22, 1); //Hospital de LS 2 SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 44, -320.1926,1049.4722,20.3403, 22, 1); //Hospital de FC SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 45, -2655.1528,638.8937,14.4531, 22, 1); //Hospital de SF SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 46, 1607.3455,1816.4760,10.8203, 22, 1); //Hospital de LV SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 47, -1514.8390,2520.0615,55.9708, 22, 1); //Hospital de EQ //O 48 é o GPS dos radares //O 49 é a Localização do GPS //O 50 é o Ponto de Ônibus //O 51 é a Agência Bancaria //O 52 é a Lotericas //O 53 é as Lojas de Util //O 54 é os Caixa Eletronicos //O 55 é a Concessionaria //O 56 é os Postos de Gasolina //O 57 é as Empresas //O 58 é as Casas //Do 59 ao 66 são as bases SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 67, 1330.2603,-984.7744,33.8966, 61, 1); //Cartorio SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 68, 2166.8264,-1978.4910,14.1030, 51, 1);//FABRICA DE RECICCLAGEM LS SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 69, 981.711303, 2168.738769, 10.820312, 51, 1);//FABRICA DE RECICLAGEM LV SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 70, -1044.592895, -606.348876, 32.007812, 51, 1);//FABRICA DE RECICLAGEM SF
for(new B = 0; B < TOTALBASES; B ++) { if(dini_Int(BasesFile(B),"Situacao") == 1) { AddMapIconOfBase(playerid, B); } else { RemoveMapIconOfBase(playerid, B); } AddGZOfBase(playerid, B); }
GangZoneHideForPlayer(playerid, ZonaRC); GangZoneHideForPlayer(playerid, ZonaFavela); GangZoneHideForPlayer(playerid, ZonaFavela2); GangZoneShowForAll(ZonaCarga,COLOR_CAMINHONEIRO); GangZoneShowForAll(ZonaDrogas,COLOR_TRAFICANTE); GangZoneShowForAll(ZonaPesca,COLOR_PESCADOR); GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, ZonaCaca, 1445735634); GangZoneShowForAll(ZonaDescarregamento,COLOR_CAMINHONEIRO); GangZoneShowForAll(ZonaDescarregamento2,COLOR_CAMINHONEIRO); GangZoneShowForAll(ZonaDescarregamento3,COLOR_CAMINHONEIRO); GangZoneShowForAll(ZonaDescarregamento4,COLOR_CAMINHONEIRO); GangZoneShowForAll(ZonaDescarregamento5,COLOR_CAMINHONEIRO); GangZoneShowForAll(ZonaDepositoLixo,COLOR_GARIX); GangZoneShowForAll(ZonaDepositoCaixao,COLOR_FUNERARIO); GangZoneShowForAll(ZonaConcreto,65477); GangZoneShowForAll(ZonaPetroleiro,COLOR_CAMINHONEIRO); GangZoneShowForAll(ZonaCaixao, 1445735634); GangZoneShowForAll(ZonaAeroAbandonado,0x000000FF); //Preto //if(BaseNEWAtiva == 1) GangZoneShowForAll(AreaNEW, 0xFF80C0FF); // GangZoneShowForAll(AreaDetran, 0x2A51E2AA); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Favelaxxx); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TelaPreta); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, RCxxx);
borrarMemorias(playerid); for(new i = 0; i < 5; i++) format(Emails[playerid][i][Nome], MAX_PLAYER_NAME, "Ninguem"); JaReparou[playerid] = 0; JaMultou[playerid] = 0; JaDivulgou[playerid] = 0; JaSoltou[playerid] = 0; JogadorAlgemado[playerid] = 0; JaFezFumaca[playerid] = 0; JaAnunciou[playerid] = 0; JaAnunciouX[playerid] = 0; JaQuotou[playerid] = 0; JaRimou[playerid] = 0; JaDiscursou[playerid] = 0; TempoAlgemaAtivado[playerid] = 0; // Profissões Gari Trash_InitPlayer(playerid); BarraMotor[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 200.000000, 318.000000, ".");//Motor Ligado PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, BarraMotor[playerid], 0.709999, 2.900000); PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, BarraMotor[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, BarraMotor[playerid], 16711935); PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, BarraMotor[playerid], 123); PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, BarraMotor[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, BarraMotor[playerid], 16711935); PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, BarraMotor[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, BarraMotor[playerid], 1); // BarraFarol[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 200.000000, 327.000000, ".");//Farol Ligado PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, BarraFarol[playerid], 0.709999, 2.900000); PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, BarraFarol[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, BarraFarol[playerid], 0xdaa520FF); PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, BarraFarol[playerid], 123); PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, BarraFarol[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, BarraFarol[playerid], 0xdaa520FF); PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, BarraFarol[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, BarraFarol[playerid], 1); // BarraTrancado[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 201.000000, 354.000000, "box");//Trancado Ligado_ PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, BarraTrancado[playerid], 0.930000, -0.199995); PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, BarraTrancado[playerid], 207.000000, -7.000000); PlayerTextDrawUseBox(playerid, BarraTrancado[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawBoxColor(playerid, BarraTrancado[playerid], 0x1e90ffFF); DistanceTD[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 87.333358, 317.573242, "Distanta_xxxM"); PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, DistanceTD[playerid], 0.363428, 1.297067); PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, DistanceTD[playerid], 0.000000, 111.000000); PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, DistanceTD[playerid], 2); PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, DistanceTD[playerid], -1); PlayerTextDrawUseBox(playerid, DistanceTD[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawBoxColor(playerid, DistanceTD[playerid], 112); PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, DistanceTD[playerid], 0); PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, DistanceTD[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, DistanceTD[playerid], 189); PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, DistanceTD[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, DistanceTD[playerid], 1); PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, DistanceTD[playerid], 0);
CriaObjetos(playerid); return 1; }
CallBack OnPlayerSpawn
Código PHP: public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { Punir(playerid); //new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); /*if(dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("ViuIntro") == 0) { TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 1); SetPlayerPos(playerid, 155.3337, -1776.4384, 14.8978+5.0); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, false); SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 155.3337, -1776.4384, 14.8978); SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 156.2734, -1776.0850, 14.2128); InterpolateCameraLookAt(playerid, 156.2734, -1776.0850, 14.2128, 156.2713, -1776.0797, 14.7078, 5000, CAMERA_MOVE); SetTimerEx("OnPlayerFinishInterpolateCamera", 5000-600, 0, "id", playerid, 0); PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, roleplay[playerid]); for(new i = 0; i != 32; i++) SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, " "); return 1; }*/ if(IsPlayerAndroid(playerid))// return SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_ORKUT, "| INFO | Você está conectado pelo Android");
if(PrimeiroSpawn[playerid] == 1) { new Float:VidaAnterior = dUserFLOAT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Vida"); //if(VidaAnterior < 1) VidaAnterior = 99.0;//< SetPlayerHealth(playerid, VidaAnterior); }
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[0]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[1]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[2]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[3]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[4]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[5]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[6]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[7]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[8]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[9]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[10]); /*TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[11]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[12]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[13]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[14]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[15]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[16]);*/ /////////////////////// TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid,SEFODEU[0]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid,SEFODEU[1]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid,SEFODEU[2]); for(new i; i<sizeof(SEFODEU); i++) TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, SEFODEU[i]);
new hour,minute,second; gettime(hour,minute,second); SetPlayerTime(playerid,hour,minute);
/* if(Profissao[playerid] == Policia_Civil && Profissao[playerid] == 11 && Profissao[playerid] == 12 && Profissao[playerid] == 13 && Profissao[playerid] == 14 && Profissao[playerid] == 35 && Profissao[playerid] == 40 && Profissao[playerid] == 41 && Profissao[playerid] == 47 && Profissao[playerid] == Juiz && Profissao[playerid] == Ibama && Profissao[playerid] == Policia_Federal && Profissao[playerid] == Narcoticos && Profissao[playerid] == Forca_aerea) { Profissao[playerid] = 1; }
if(IsComandanteMilitar(playerid)) Profissao[playerid] = Militar; if(IsComandanteRodoviaria(playerid)) Profissao[playerid] = Rodoviaria; if(IsComandanteCivil(playerid)) Profissao[playerid] = Civil; if(IsComandanteExercito(playerid)) Profissao[playerid] = ExercitoX; if(IsComandanteFederal(playerid)) Profissao[playerid] = Federal; if(IsMilitar(playerid)) Profissao[playerid] = Militar; if(IsRodoviaria(playerid)) Profissao[playerid] = Rodoviaria; if(IsCivil(playerid)) Profissao[playerid] = Civil; if(IsExercito(playerid)) Profissao[playerid] = ExercitoX; if(IsFederal(playerid)) Profissao[playerid] = Federal;*/
if(Profissao[playerid] == Militar || Profissao[playerid] == Rodoviaria || Profissao[playerid] == Civil || Profissao[playerid] == Federal || Profissao[playerid] == ExercitoX) { Profissao[playerid] = 1; }
dUserSetINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Profissao", Profissao[playerid]);
if(VaiPreso[playerid] != 0) { Preso[playerid] = VaiPreso[playerid]; VaiPreso[playerid] = 0; }
if(VerificarADMaster(playerid) == 2) for(new I = 0; I < 5; I ++) SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, "* Você nunca terá competência para ser um administrador master. Nunca.");
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); // ResetPlayerWeapons(playerid); DaArmas(playerid); TotalQueMatou[playerid] = 0; SetPlayerTeam(playerid, playerid);
PlayerInfoC[playerid][SpawnAngle] = 0.0; //então quando você sair e outro jogador vier, a câmera começará do início PlayerInfoC[playerid][SpawnDance] = true; //não executar por muito tempo KillTimer( PlayerInfoC[playerid][SpawnTimer] ); //para matá-lo, já que é inútil agora PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1186, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // (som em branco) para calar a música SetCameraBehindPlayer(playerid); //para prevenir alguns bugs DestroyPlayerObject(playerid, ObjetoEntrada1[playerid]); //DestroyObject(ObjetoEntrada2[playerid]);
SetCameraBehindPlayer(playerid); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid,LetterBox[0]); // for(new Sp = 0; Sp < sizeof(SpriteEntrada); Sp ++) TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, SpriteEntrada[Sp]); /*TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid,LetterBox[1]);*/
/*i { AllowPlayerTeleport(playerid, 1); }*/ if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) //Verifica se o jogador é um NPC { new npcname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, npcname, sizeof(npcname)); if(strcmp(npcname, "ThiagoReis", true) == 0) { Logado[playerid] = 1; SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFFA500FF); PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, Onibus_Bot, 0); SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 21); //Moderador[playerid] = 10; PodeVerG[playerid] = 1; SetPVarInt(playerid, "cver", 1); BusTexto = Create3DTextLabel("Thiago Reis", 0xFFA500FF, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 30.0 ,0,0); Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer(BusTexto, playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); return 1; } if(strcmp(npcname, "Alexis", true) == 0) { Logado[playerid] = 1; SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0x057ABDFF); PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, TremBot, 0); SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 259); TremTexto = Create3DTextLabel("Alexis Texas", 0xFF00FFFF, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 30.0 ,0,0); Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer(TremTexto, playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); return 1; } if(strcmp(npcname, "Giuliano", true) == 0) { Logado[playerid] = 1; SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFF00FFFF); PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, Bonde_Bot, 0); SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 252); BondeTexto = Create3DTextLabel("Giuliano", 0xFF00FFFF, 0.0,0.0,0.0, 30.0 ,0,0); Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer(BondeTexto, playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); return 1; } } DaProfissao(playerid); Punir(playerid); for(new V = 0; V < Total_De_Veiculos_Wang; V ++) { new S[128]; format(S, sizeof(S), "Locador%d", V); if(strcmp(dini_Get("VeiculosLocados.txt", S), PlayerName(playerid)) == 0) { AlugouUmVeiculo[playerid] = 1; } }
if(TatuagemAtual[playerid] != 0) DaTatuagem(playerid, TatuagemAtual[playerid]); if(Oculos[playerid] != 0) DaOculos(playerid, Oculos[playerid]); if(Bone[playerid] != 0) DaBone(playerid, Bone[playerid]); if(Arara[playerid] != 0) DaArara(playerid);
if(PrimeiroSpawn[playerid] == 1) { for(new M = 0; M < 20; M ++) SendClientMessage(playerid, Branco, " "); //TimerIgnorado[playerid] = SetTimerEx("AtualizarIgnorados", 5000, false, "i", playerid); if(Linguagem[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{1e90ff}| INFO | {FFFFFF}Logado(a) com sucesso!"); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{1e90ff}| INFO | {FFFFFF}Radio {1e90ff}TSSA {FFFFFF}ativada! Use: /Radio para Ligar/Desligar e /PedirMusica"); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{1e90ff}| INFO | {FFFFFF}Seus itens foram carregados com sucesso!"); //SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{1e90ff}| NATAL | {FFFFFF}Natal ativado! Para visualizar os comandos, use /ComandosNatal"); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{1e90ff}| INFO | {FFFFFF}Gostou do servidor, adicione o nosso IP nos favoritos!"); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_ORKUT, "| INFO | You came into your account successfully!"); } if(strfind(PlayerName(playerid), dini_Get("Config.txt", "NickMaster"),true) != -1) { SetTimerEx("AntiFakePlayer", 5000, false, "i", playerid); } /*SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_ORKUT, "~ Notícia(s) de 16/08/2013:"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_MARA1, "Devido aos problemas com crashs algumas casas foram resetadas para o dia 09/08."); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_MARA1, "Para que haja devolução crie um tópico no fórum com a TAG ''[CASA]Nick''. Saiba mais em:"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_MARA1, "TSSA");*/ PosPoste[playerid][0] = 0.0; PosPoste[playerid][1] = 0.0; PosPoste[playerid][2] = 0.0; PosPoste[playerid][3] = 0.0; PosRadar[playerid][0] = 0.0; PosRadar[playerid][1] = 0.0; PosRadar[playerid][2] = 0.0; PosRadar[playerid][3] = 0.0; PosCasas[playerid][0] = 0.0; PosCasas[playerid][1] = 0.0; PosCasas[playerid][2] = 0.0; PosCasas[playerid][3] = 0.0; PosTesteH[playerid][0] = 0.0; PosTesteH[playerid][1] = 0.0; PosTesteH[playerid][2] = 0.0; PosTesteH[playerid][3] = 0.0; Capacete[playerid] = 0;//1 PediuParaRodar[playerid] = 0; if(ContaCriada[playerid] == 0) { //SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_MARA2, "| INFO | Você pode continuar de onde parou da última vez que logou com /continuar ou /cr (15 segundos)"); //TempoContinuar[playerid] = SetTimerEx("ParaContinuar",15000, false, "i", playerid); if(Linguagem[playerid] == 0) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 540, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{1e90ff}Aonde deseja ir?", "{1e90ff}» {FFFFFF}Spawn da profissão\r\n{1e90ff}» {FFFFFF}Última posição\r\n{1e90ff}» {FFFFFF}Continuar onde está", "Ok", "");//\r\n{1e90ff}» {FFFFFF}Ir para Casa //SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, (playerid,dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Skin"))); //SpawnPlayer(playerid); SpawnPlayer(playerid); //return 1; } else { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 540, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{1e90ff}Where do you want to go?", "{1e90ff}» {FFFFFF}Spawn of the profession\r\n{1e90ff}» {FFFFFF}Spawn Home\r\n{1e90ff}» {FFFFFF}Last Stand\r\n{1e90ff}» {FFFFFF}Keep their houses", "Ok", "");//\r\n{1e90ff}» {FFFFFF}Go home //SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, (playerid,dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Skin"))); //SpawnPlayer(playerid); SpawnPlayer(playerid); //return 1; } if(Fichas[playerid] != 0) { if(CassinoDisponivel() == 1) { LoginsCassino[playerid] ++; new S[128]; if(Linguagem[playerid] == 0) { format(S, sizeof(S), "| INFO | Seu login do cassino está em: %d / 4", LoginsCassino[playerid]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_MARA2, S); } else { format(S, sizeof(S), "| INFO | Your login is in the casino: %d / 4", LoginsCassino[playerid]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_MARA2, S); } if(LoginsCassino[playerid] == 4) { if(Linguagem[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_MARA2, "| INFO | Você perdeu suas fichas por não retirá-las do cassino!"); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_MARA2, "| INFO | You lost your chips for not removing them from the casino!"); } Fichas[playerid] = 0; LoginsCassino[playerid] = 0; dUserSetINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Fichas",Fichas[playerid]); dUserSetINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("LoginsCassino",LoginsCassino[playerid]); } } else { new S[128]; if(Linguagem[playerid] == 0) { format(S, sizeof(S), "| INFO | Seu login do cassino está em: %d / 4. Porém, não foi adicionado mais um login pois o cassino não está aberto agora!", LoginsCassino[playerid]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_MARA2, S); } else { format(S, sizeof(S), "| INFO | Your login casino is: %d/4. However, it was not added another login for the casino is not open now!", LoginsCassino[playerid]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_MARA2, S); } } } } else { Continuou[playerid] = 1; ParteDoTutorial[playerid] = 0; //InteriorAntesT[playerid] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid); GetPlayerPos(playerid, PosXAntesT[playerid], PosYAntesT[playerid], PosZAntesT[playerid]); if(Linguagem[playerid] == 0) { if(VerificarADM(playerid) == 0) ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,3,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{1e90ff}Tutorial","{FFFFFF}Aprenda a jogar em nosso servidor!", "Ok", ""); else if(VerificarADM(playerid) == 1) SendClientMessage(playerid, Azul, ""#TAG_ADMINFO" Olá ADM, Creio que você saiba como jogar no server, portanto... Tutorial ignorado!"); } else { if(VerificarADM(playerid) == 0) ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,3,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{1e90ff}Tutorial","{FFFFFF}Learn to play on our server!", "Ok", ""); else if(VerificarADM(playerid) == 1) SendClientMessage(playerid, Azul, ""#TAG_ADMINFO" Hi administradores, I think you know how to play on the server, so... ignored Tutorial!"); } } DaArmas(playerid); GivePlayerHouse(playerid); GivePlayerHotel(playerid); GivePlayerPosto(playerid); GivePlayerCompany(playerid); GivePlayerGC(playerid); GivePlayerSET(playerid); GivePlayerBalao(playerid); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Clock); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Clock1); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdrawdiasrp); if(dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("SaudacaoAtiva") == 1) { for(new I = 0; I < MAX_PLAYERS; I ++) { if((IsPlayerConnected(I)) && (IsPlayerNPC(I))) { if(!strcmp(NJogador(I), "ThiagoReis", true)) { new S[128]; format(S, sizeof(S), "[%s] %s", PlayerName(playerid), dUser(PlayerName(playerid)).("Saudacao")); SendPlayerMessageToAll(I, S); break; } } } } // TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, DataX); } TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, BarraPretaRC); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, BarraPretaR[0]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, BarraPretaR[1]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, BarraPretaR[2]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, BarraPretaR[3]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, BarraPretaR[4]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, BarraPretaR[5]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, BarraPretaR[6]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, BarraPretaR[7]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, BarraPretaR[8]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, BarraPretaR[9]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextTSSA[0]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextTSSA[1]); //==================================================================================== SetTimerEx("Correcao", 1000, false, "i", playerid); ShowProgressBarForPlayer(playerid, BFome); ShowProgressBarForPlayer(playerid, BSede); ShowProgressBarForPlayer(playerid, BSono); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, SFome); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, SSede); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, SSono); SetTimerEx("FOME", 212500, true, "i", playerid); SetTimerEx("SEDE", 200000, true, "i", playerid); SetTimerEx("SONO", 500000, true, "i", playerid); format(arquivado, sizeof(arquivado), DVFOMESEDESONO, PlayerName(playerid)); if(ZN_FileExists(arquivado)) { SetPVarInt(playerid,"FOME", ZN_GetInt(arquivado, "FOME")); SetPVarInt(playerid,"SEDE", ZN_GetInt(arquivado, "SEDE")); SetPVarInt(playerid,"SONO", ZN_GetInt(arquivado, "SONO")); SetProgressBarValue(BFome, ZN_GetInt(arquivado, "FOME")); SetProgressBarValue(BSede, ZN_GetInt(arquivado, "SEDE")); SetProgressBarValue(BSono, ZN_GetInt(arquivado, "SONO")); UpdateProgressBar(BFome, playerid); UpdateProgressBar(BSede, playerid); UpdateProgressBar(BSono, playerid); }else{ ZN_CreateFile(arquivado); ZN_SetInt(arquivado, "FOME", 100); ZN_SetInt(arquivado, "SEDE", 100); ZN_SetInt(arquivado, "SONO", 100); SetPVarInt(playerid,"FOME", ZN_GetInt(arquivado, "FOME")); SetPVarInt(playerid,"SEDE", ZN_GetInt(arquivado, "SEDE")); SetPVarInt(playerid,"SONO", ZN_GetInt(arquivado, "SONO")); SetProgressBarValue(BFome, ZN_GetInt(arquivado, "FOME")); SetProgressBarValue(BSede, ZN_GetInt(arquivado, "SEDE")); SetProgressBarValue(BSono, ZN_GetInt(arquivado, "SONO")); UpdateProgressBar(BFome, playerid); UpdateProgressBar(BSede, playerid); UpdateProgressBar(BSono, playerid); } //==================================================================================== for(new D = 0; D < 6; D ++) if(DueloX[D] == playerid) DueloX[D] = -1;
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Skin")); Profissao[playerid] = (playerid,dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Profissao"));
EstaDentroDeCasa[playerid] = 0; EstaDentroDePosto[playerid] = 0; EstaDentroDeEmpresa[playerid] = 0; CasaAtual[playerid] = -1; CasaAtualX[playerid] = -1; PostoAtual[playerid] = -1; PostoAtualX[playerid] = -1; RemoveuVeiculo[playerid] = 0; EmpresaAtual[playerid] = -1; EstaNoRc[playerid] = 0; FoiProEvento[playerid] = 0; Spawnadox[playerid] = 1; TaUsandoLan[playerid] = 0; PlayerNaAgencia[playerid] = 0; PlayerNoPalacio[playerid] = 0; PlayerNoBanco[playerid] = 0; PlayerNoHospital[playerid] = 0; Carregamento[playerid] = 0; CarregamentoC[playerid] = 0; CarregamentoM[playerid] = 0; CarregamentoCF[playerid] = 0; PlayerNaDP[playerid] = 0; PlayerNaImobiliaria[playerid] = 0; PlayerNaDina[playerid] = 0; PlayerNoDetran[playerid] = 0; PlayerNoCassino[playerid] = 0; PlayerNoHotel[playerid] = 0; PlayerNoQuarto[playerid] = -1; PlayerNoEstadio[playerid] = -1; PlayerNaLoja[playerid] = -1; Futebol[playerid] = 0; Basquete[playerid] = 0; Vigiando[playerid] = 0; TimeFutebol[playerid] = 0; TimeBasquete[playerid] = 0; Apostando[playerid] = 0; Minerando[playerid] = 0; TrocouDeProf[playerid] = 0; VisualizandoCasa[playerid] = -1; VisualizandoEmpresa[playerid] = -1; PediuParaRodar[playerid] = 0; SetPlayerArmedWeapon(playerid, 1); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); DisableRemoteVehicleCollisions(playerid, 0); //if(strcmp(dini_Get("Presidente.txt", "Atual"), PlayerName(playerid)) == 1) if(Profissao[playerid] == Presidente) { new A[128]; format(A, sizeof(A), "| INFO | O(A) presidente %s acabou de spawnar!", PlayerName(playerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(COR_ORKUT, A); SetPlayerColor(playerid, COLOR_PRESIDENTE); SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1481.1006,-1768.9030,18.7958); } if(Jetpack[playerid] == 1) { if(Linguagem[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x93AB1CFF, "{1e90ff}» {FFFFFF}{93AB1C} Para pegar seu jetpack use: /PegarJetpack ou /PJ (você tem 25 segundos)"); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x93AB1CFF, "{1e90ff}» {FFFFFF}{93AB1C} To pick up your jetpack use: /PegarJetpack or /PJ (you have 25 seconds)"); } TempoJetpack[playerid] = SetTimerEx("ParaJetpack",25000, false, "i", playerid); PodePegarJetpack[playerid] = 1; } PrimeiroSpawn[playerid] = 0;// if(Preso[playerid] != 0) { // SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_ORKUT, "| CADEIA | Você está preso(a) e para sair chame um advogado"); new cmdstring[256]; SetPlayerPos(playerid, 264.5996,77.7367,1001.0391); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 6); TaPresoX[playerid] = 60; Morreu[playerid] = 0; Procurado[playerid] = TempoCadeia(playerid); TaPresoX[playerid] = (300 * Procurado[playerid]); if(Linguagem[playerid] == 0) { GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Preso", 2000, 0); format(cmdstring,sizeof(cmdstring),"| CADEIA | Você está preso(a) e para sair chame um advogado/juiz (/advogados) ou aguarde %02d minutos" , Cadeia_Minutos(playerid), Cadeia_Segundos(playerid)); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_ORKUT,cmdstring); } else { GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Arrested", 2000, 0); format(cmdstring,sizeof(cmdstring),"| CHAIN | You are trapped (a) and to exit call a lawyer / judge (/advogados) or wait %02d minutes" , Cadeia_Minutos(playerid), Cadeia_Segundos(playerid)); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_ORKUT,cmdstring); } return 1; } if((Logado[playerid] == 1) && (Morreu[playerid] == 1)) { //SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 5); SetCameraBehindPlayer(playerid); Morreu[playerid] = 0; Spaawnado[playerid] = 1; SetTimerEx("checkhosp", 600, false, "i", playerid); if(HospitalQueVaiNascer[playerid] == 8) { if(Linguagem[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_PRINCIPAL, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hospital ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | Você não perdeu dinheiro por ter sido morto no RC!"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_PRINCIPAL, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hospital ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_PRINCIPAL, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hospital ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | You did not lose money by having been killed in RC!"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_PRINCIPAL, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hospital ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); } } else if(HospitalQueVaiNascer[playerid] == 9) { if(Linguagem[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_PRINCIPAL, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hospital ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | Você não perdeu dinheiro por ter sido morto na Favela!"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_PRINCIPAL, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hospital ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_PRINCIPAL, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hospital ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | You did not lose money by having been killed in Slum!"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_PRINCIPAL, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hospital ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_PRINCIPAL, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hospital ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); if(Linguagem[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | Você perdeu a consciência e foi levado para um hospital mais próximo,"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | Para ser tratado e se recuperar totalmente."); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | You lost consciousness and were taken to a closer hopital,"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | To be treated and fully recover."); } if(Nivel[playerid] >= 5) { if(PlanoDeSaude[playerid] != 2) { if(Linguagem[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | Foram retirados R$ 500 do seu banco para o tratamento"); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | $ 500 were taken from your bank to treatment"); } Banco[playerid] = Banco[playerid] - 500; } else { if(Linguagem[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | Foram retirados R$ 250 do seu banco para o tratamento (seu plano de saúde pagou metade)"); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | $ 250 were taken from your bank to treat (your health plan paid half)"); } Banco[playerid] = Banco[playerid] - 250; } dUserSetINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Bancox",Banco[playerid]); } else { if(Linguagem[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | Seu tratamento não foi cobrado por você ter level inferior a 5!"); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | His treatment was not charged because you have less than level 5!"); } } if(Banco[playerid] < 0) { if(Linguagem[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | Infelizmente você está com saldo negativo no banco!"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | Consiga dinheiro imediatamente!"); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | Unfortunately you are overdrawn at the bank!"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_BRANCOXXX, "| INFO | Get money immediately!"); } } SendClientMessage(playerid, COR_PRINCIPAL, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hospital ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); } if(HospitalQueVaiNascer[playerid] == 1) SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1176.3164,-1324.1117,14.0154);//LS 1 else if(HospitalQueVaiNascer[playerid] == 2) SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2032.5037,-1407.6497,17.1777);//LS 2 else if(HospitalQueVaiNascer[playerid] == 3) SetPlayerPos(playerid, -315.8423,1055.3075,19.7422);//FC else if(HospitalQueVaiNascer[playerid] == 4) SetPlayerPos(playerid, -2660.5564,632.9633,14.4531);//SF else if(HospitalQueVaiNascer[playerid] == 5) SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1608.4662,1819.7620,10.8280);//LV else if(HospitalQueVaiNascer[playerid] == 6) SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1514.6429,2526.7864,55.7506);//EQ else if(HospitalQueVaiNascer[playerid] == 7) SetPlayerPos(playerid, -2207.8721,-2285.9792,30.6250); else if(HospitalQueVaiNascer[playerid] == 8) //RC { EstaNoRc[playerid] = 1; SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 10); SetPlayerPos(playerid, -972.9326,1061.1442,1345.6699); } else if(HospitalQueVaiNascer[playerid] == 9) //Favela SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2216.7520,-1213.2336,23.9655); else { new rand = random(sizeof(SpawnHospital)); SetPlayerPos(playerid, SpawnHospital[rand][0], SpawnHospital[rand][1], SpawnHospital[rand][2]); } return 1; } Morreu[playerid] = 0; if(psalvax[playerid] != 0 && psalvay[playerid] != 0 && psalvaz[playerid] != 0) { SetPlayerPos(playerid,psalvax[playerid],psalvay[playerid],psalvaz[playerid]); SetPlayerInterior(playerid,dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Interior")); return 1; } for(new C = 0; C < TOTALCASAS; C ++) { if(CasaDono[C] == playerid) { SetPlayerPos(playerid, Coordenadas[C][0], Coordenadas[C][1], Coordenadas[C][2]); return 1; } if((CasaCompanheiro[C] == playerid) || (CasaCompanheiro2[C] == playerid) || (CasaCompanheiro3[C] == playerid)) { SetPlayerPos(playerid, Coordenadas[C][0], Coordenadas[C][1], Coordenadas[C][2]); return 1; } } for(new Q = 0; Q < TOTAL_QUARTOS_HOTEL1; Q ++) { new S[128]; format(S, sizeof(S), "Dono%d", Q); if(strcmp(dini_Get(HotelFile, S), PlayerName(playerid)) == 0) { ResetPlayerWeaponsEx(playerid, -1); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, Q); SetPlayerPos(playerid, CoordenadasQuartosHotel[0], CoordenadasQuartosHotel[1], CoordenadasQuartosHotel[2]); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, InteriorQuartosHotel); PlayerNoQuarto[playerid] = Q; PlayerNoHotel[playerid] = 0; return 1; } } DaPosicaoProfissao(playerid); return 1; }
CallBack OnPlayerRequestClass
Código PHP: public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid) { if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) return 1; Punir(playerid); Streamer_Update(playerid); Spawnadox[playerid] = 0; TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, loadTela1); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, loadTela2); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, loadTela3); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, loadTela4);
//Tela = random(MaxTelas);
//SetPlayerPos(playerid, Telas[Tela][0], Telas[Tela][1], Telas[Tela][2]); //SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Telas[Tela][6]); //SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, Telas[Tela][3], Telas[Tela][4], Telas[Tela][5], 17000, CAMERA_MOVE); //SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, Telas[Tela][0], Telas[Tela][1], Telas[Tela][2], 17000, CAMERA_MOVE); //SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, Telas[Tela][3], Telas[Tela][4], Telas[Tela][5]); //SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, Telas[Tela][0], Telas[Tela][1], Telas[Tela][2]);
//PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1097,-119.9460,23.1096,12.2238);
InterpolateCameraPos(playerid, 1685.9406,-1326.7078,117.6087, 1777.0474,-1302.5613,120.2586, 17000, CAMERA_MOVE);//Posições de onde a camera fica InterpolateCameraLookAt(playerid, 1771.3933,-1301.7217,120.2586, 1771.3933,-1301.7217,120.2586, 17000, CAMERA_MOVE);//Posições para onde a camera olha SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1771.8523,-1304.2235,120.2586); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 68.7451); ApplyAnimation(playerid,"COP_AMBIENT","Coplook_loop",4.0, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntradaX[2]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[0]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[1]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[2]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[3]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[4]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[5]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[6]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[7]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[8]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[9]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[10]); /*TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[11]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[12]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[13]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[14]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[15]); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, TextEntrada[16]);*/
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TelaInteira);
#include <dudb>
//if(udb_Exists(PlayerName(playerid))) if(Logado[playerid] == 0) ShowRegisterOrLoginDialog(playerid, 1), SetPlayerSkin(playerid, dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Skin")); //Linguagem[playerid] = (playerid,dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Linguagem"));
if(udb_Exists(PlayerName(playerid))) if(Logado[playerid] == 0) SetPlayerSkin(playerid, dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Skin")), Linguagem[playerid] = (playerid,dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("Linguagem")), ShowRegisterOrLoginDialog(playerid, 1); if(!udb_Exists(PlayerName(playerid))) ShowRegisterOrLoginDialog(playerid, 2); //ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 8453, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Linguagem", "Escolha uma linguagem", "Português", "English"); for(new I = 0; I < 30; I ++) SendClientMessage(playerid, ~1, " "); ApplyAnimation(playerid,"COP_AMBIENT","Coplook_loop",4.0, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1);
if(Logado[playerid] == 0) return 1; return 1; }
Quem poder mim ajuda agradeço muito
RE: Player morrendo ao Spawnar - LeleziiN - 23/04/2021
Poderiam mim ajuda por favor
RE: Player morrendo ao Spawnar - LeleziiN - 24/04/2021
Alguém poderia mim ajuda por favor