Portal SAMP
[Ajuda] fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "SKY" - Versão de Impressão

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+--- Tópico: [Ajuda] fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "SKY" (/showthread.php?tid=1794)

fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "SKY" - Rev - 30/10/2021

Aqui fala que ta faltando a include SKY, mas no github só tem a DLL


E eu ja baixei a dll, e coloquei na pasta mas não acho a sky.inc em lugar nenhum.

RE: fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "SKY" - MrThúúG - 30/10/2021

Código PHP:
#if defined _INC_SKY
#define _INC_SKY

// Sync Packets

// Make a player appear to spawn for all players but himself
native SpawnPlayerForWorld(playerid);
// Keep re-sending the last received sync data
#pragma deprecated Please use FreezeSyncPacket instead
native FreezeSyncData(playeridbool:toggle);
// Keep re-sending the last recieved sync packet of a certain type
native FreezeSyncPacket(playeridE_SYNC_TYPES:type E_PLAYER_SYNCbool:toggle);
// Set the HP bar (warning: affects GetPlayerHealth)
native SetFakeHealth(playeridhealth);
// Set the armour bar (warning: affects GetPlayerArmour)
native SetFakeArmour(playeridarmour);
// Force a specific facing angle to sync for other players
native SetFakeFacingAngle(playeridFloat:angle Float:0x7FFFFFFF);
// Disable stealth-knife sync (only the player doing it will see it happen)
native SetKnifeSync(toggle);
// Make a player appear dead for other players
native SendDeath(playerid);
// Set the last animation data
native SetLastAnimationData(playeriddata);
// Send the last sync data
// If an animation is specified, it will be similar to ApplyAnimation
#pragma deprecated Please use SendLastSyncPacket instead
native SendLastSyncData(playeridtoplayeridanimation 0);
// Send the last sync packet
// If a type is specified it will sync that packet only
// If an animation is specified, it will be similar to ApplyAnimation
native SendLastSyncPacket(playeridtoplayeridE_SYNC_TYPES:type E_PLAYER_SYNCanimation 0);
// Clear animations for another player only
native ClearAnimationsForPlayer(playeridforplayerid);
// Disable infinity ammo bugs and other bugs (some bugs still work)
native SetDisableSyncBugs(toggle);
// Make the weapon state always synced as WEAPONSTATE_MORE_BULLETS
native SetInfiniteAmmoSync(playeridtoggle);
// Stop syncing keys for a player
native SetKeySyncBlocked(playeridtoggle);
// Same as YSF (renamed to avoid problems)
native TextDrawSetPosition(Text:textFloat:xFloat:y);
// Same as YSF (renamed to avoid problems)
native PlayerTextDrawSetPosition(playeridPlayerText:textFloat:xFloat:y);
// Set the string of a TextDraw per-player
native TextDrawSetStrForPlayer(Text:textplayerid, const string[]); 

RE: fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "SKY" - xbruno1000x - 31/10/2021
