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y_vehicledata - Versão de Impressão

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y_vehicledata - Flenex - 28/03/2021

recentemente vi essa include dentro do ysi. alguem sabe como usa-la?

RE: y_vehicledata - Dayvison - 28/03/2021


I have time and again seen code defining properties of vehicles that uses loops or vast chunks of memory, when far far less is needed.  Many of those times I've even explained HOW to do it smaller, but no-one has, so I did.

Thus, I present y_vehicledata (formally YSI_Game\y_vehicledata, but not yet in any YSI repository).

The include has three prefixes - that is, three groups of functions - "Vehicle_", "Model_", and "VIM_".  All three groups have the same functions, but take different inputs.
  • Vehicle_

These functions take a vehicleid, i.e. a value returned by CreateVehicle or GetPlayerSurfingVehicleID etc.
  • Model_

These functions take a modelid, i.e. an object as passed to AddStaticVehicle or returned by GetVehicleModel etc.
  • VIM_

These functions take a special VIM variable, that is, one with a tag of VIM:VIM stands for Vehicle Internal Model, and is specific to this include (but others are free to use it if they want).  This is different to normal models in three ways:

1) They are always valid.
2) They can be used as indexes.
3) They have a strong tag to differentiate them.

This second point is very important.  Standard model IDs start at 400 and go up to 611, so if you want to use them to index an array you either need 400 empty slots in the array, or to subtract 400 from the model ID (which is exactly what VIMs are).

  • Vehicle_GetCategory(vehicleid) - Return the category of the vehicle, as defined on http://wiki.sa-mp.com/.  The return values are;

    Código PHP:
    // Two
    CATEGORY_OFF_ROAD  // versions
    // Two

    Some vehicles may seem to fit in to multiple categories, more information on those can be got with the functions below.  These ONLY return data from the wiki.

  • Vehicle_IsValid(vehicleid) - Checks if this vehicle is valid, by checking that the model is valid.

  • Vehicle_IsCar(vehicleid) - This function, and those below, return various pieces of data on vehicles.  Several vehicles may have seemingly conflicting data, such as being listed as both a Boat AND a Plane (or Boat and Car for the Vortex).  Check the include for what vehicles have what flags.

  • Vehicle_IsTruck(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsVan(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsFire(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsPolice(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsFBI(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsSWAT(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsMilitary(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsWeaponised(vehicleid) - Any vehicle that can "fire" something (including water).

  • Vehicle_IsHelicopter(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsBoat(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsPlane(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsBike(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsManual(vehicleid) - This refers to pedal power, not stick-shift.

  • Vehicle_IsAmbulance(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsTaxi(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsOnWater(vehicleid) - Vehicles not in CATEGORY_BOAT that can go on water.

  • Vehicle_IsCoastguard(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsTrain(vehicleid) - Trailers and engines.

  • Vehicle_IsLS(vehicleid) - For city-specific police vehicles.

  • Vehicle_IsSF(vehicleid) - For city-specific police vehicles.

  • Vehicle_IsLV(vehicleid) - For city-specific police vehicles.

  • Vehicle_IsTank(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsFlowerpot(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_IsTransport(vehicleid) -

  • Vehicle_GetName(vehicleid) - Returns a 32 character packed string of the vehicle's name.

Equivalents exist for Model_, taking a modelid instead of a vehicleid - replace the Vehicle_ prefix with Model_.

VIM Conversion

Equivalents to all the above functions also exist for VIM: tagged variables - replace the Vehicle_ prefix with VIM_.

There are two ways to get a VIM: variable - from a vehicleid or from a modelid:

Código PHP:
VIM:vimFromVehicleID Vehicle_GetVIM(vehicleid),
VIM:vimFromModelID Model_ToVIM(vehicleid), 

Note the difference in "Get" and "To" - this is by design, as models are closer to VIMs than vehicleids are.

So why use these instead?  They just save a level of conversion:

Código PHP:
#define Vehicle_IsPoliceCar(%0) (Vehicle_IsCar(%0) && Vehicle_IsPolice(%0)) 

That is all fine, but internally calls several functions twice (including GetVehicleModel).  This is slightly better:

[pawn]#define Model_IsPoliceCar(%0) (Model_IsCar(%0) && Model_IsPolice(%0))[/pawn]

But that still has to do the "- 400" subtraction discussed earlier (and check that the result is valid).

Using VIM functions you can do the conversion and bounds checks once, then use the result far more efficiently:

Código PHP:
#define VIM_IsPoliceCar(%0) (VIM_IsCar(%0) && VIM_IsPolice(%0))

VIM:vim Vehicle_GetVIM(vehicleid);
if (
VIM_IsPoliceCar(vim) || VIM_IsSWAT(vim))
// Whatever.

RE: y_vehicledata - Flenex - 28/03/2021

funcionou, vlw