25/10/2023 23:11
(Esta mensagem foi modificada pela última vez a: 25/10/2023 23:30 por GuiLopeS.)
(25/10/2023 14:02)pushline Escreveu: Mano, só usando crashdetect com -d3 pra pegar um erro mais explicado no console.É mano fiz o que tu disse, mas não adiantou continua fechando o server, compilei em -d3 no pawno e no Visual Studio Code e usei o crashdetect, mas também não mostra nada no log do server apenas algumas coisas, como por exemplo mostra que o comando foi feito e chamou as callbacks:
Mas pelo que eu vi aqui, vc tá dando uns 5 TextDrawShowForAll na func "createNotifyTD", retire todas elas e deixe a função com o propósito só de criar mesmo, e na função "InternalNotification_Show" coloque abaixo do "createNotifyTD(x, x * 7, static_x);" o seguinte "TextDrawShowForAll(notifyPTD[x]);", talvez resolva.
E sobre o string:, não tenho ideia do que seja tbm, talvez uma tag qualquer, mas geralmente pra string é "const string[]" caso essa string n for alterada dentro do escopo da função dela.
Código PHP:
[22:55:13] Number of vehicle models: 0
[22:55:15] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[22:55:16] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[22:55:16] [join] GuiLopeS. has joined the server (0:
[22:55:30] [debug] Server crashed while executing gpssbc.amx
[22:55:30] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[22:55:30] [debug] #0 native SetTimerEx () in samp-server.exe
[22:55:30] [debug] #1 00001178 in InternalNotification_Show (title[]=@00006d34 "mannnns", message[]=@00006d54 "sla feioud", message2[]=@00006d80 "borraaaas", icon[]=@00006da8 "ld_bum:blkdot") at C:\Coisas do GTA\Coisas do samp\Server Drift by GuiLopeS ™\pawno\include\notifyg.inc:96
[22:55:30] [debug] #2 00003d4c in public cmd_gsdsaads (playerid=0, 28168) at C:\Coisas do GTA\Coisas do samp\Server Drift by GuiLopeS ™\filterscripts\gpssbc.pwn:89
[22:55:30] [debug] #3 native CallLocalFunction () in samp-server.exe
[22:55:30] [debug] #4 000004d8 in public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid=0, cmdtext[]=@00006de0 "/gsdsaads") at C:\Coisas do GTA\Coisas do samp\Server Drift by GuiLopeS ™\pawno\include\zcmd.inc:104
[22:55:31] [debug] Native backtrace:
[22:55:31] [debug] #0 004828d2 in ?? () in samp-server.exe
[22:55:31] [debug] #1 00473919 in ?? () in samp-server.exe
[22:55:31] [debug] #2 004010b6 in ?? () in samp-server.exe
[22:55:31] [debug] #3 6cf1d5bd in ?? () in plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] #4 6cf210b2 in ?? () in plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] #5 6cf18b91 in ?? () in plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] #6 6cf1d696 in ?? () in plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] #7 004746be in ?? () in samp-server.exe
[22:55:31] [debug] #8 004010b6 in ?? () in samp-server.exe
[22:55:31] [debug] #9 6cf1d5bd in ?? () in plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] #10 6cf210b2 in ?? () in plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] #11 6cf18b91 in ?? () in plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] #12 6cf1d696 in ?? () in plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] #13 0046b168 in ?? () in samp-server.exe
[22:55:31] [debug] Registers:
[22:55:31] [debug] EAX: 45152ff2 EBX: 0019eb7c ECX: 00000000 EDX: 42266666
[22:55:31] [debug] ESI: 02ef7688 EDI: 02d60f80 EBP: 0019efa4 ESP: 0019eb64
[22:55:31] [debug] EIP: 004828d2 EFLAGS: 00010212
[22:55:31] [debug] Stack:
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000000: 02d60f80 42266666 00480069 02ef7674
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000020: 00498d5b 0019ec64 00000055 022ae940
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000040: 0049d208 004ba148 ffffffff 00498d5b
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000060: 00000001 004522e3 00452346 0019ec64
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000080: 0019ec75 000002a3 00000001 00000009
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+000000a0: 00000000 00000280 022ad798 0100007f
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+000000c0: 00000002 0100007f 0000cbc3 00000000
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+000000e0: 00000002 0100007f 0000cbc3 004555fd
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000100: 000002a3 00000800 00000000 0019ec75
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000120: 170000e0 e8e08cc2 e8425575 06000040
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000140: 00000060 00000000 00000000 00000000
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000160: 8d6c8d4d 000080ee 8a897e6b 022a0000
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000180: 00000000 76f58c7b 01a4ef90 022a0000
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+000001a0: 02000002 02df2278 81000081 0a000000
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+000001c0: 02000002 0000009d 02000002 00030007
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+000001e0: 0019ed68 76f4feb7 0019edac 76f156a8
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000200: 000000b9 0000013a fffffcbc 02f47208
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000220: 00fffcbe 0019efd0 004aa54b ffffffff
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000240: 00000280 00000001 00000009 00000002
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000260: ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00451ab8
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000280: 00000009 00000002 0100007f 0000cbc3
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+000002a0: 00000000 0019eebc 022a9db0 0100007f
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+000002c0: 00000009 00000002 0100007f 0000cbc3
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+000002e0: 00000000 0048e248 004b5320 0019eebc
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000300: 0048cbc3 00000000 00000000 03965020
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000320: 00000001 00000000 007f5020 cbc30100
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000340: 00467039 006d3efc 02d60f80 00000008
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000360: 00000000 0019eecd 13000401 00000000
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+00000380: 32000000 00000100 0004ff00 44014fdc
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+000003a0: 00000000 ffff3f80 000dffff 625f646c
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+000003c0: 76f55dde 03965020 76f55dde 00000008
[22:55:31] [debug] ESP+000003e0: 0049b744 022a0000 00000008 0049b776
[22:55:31] [debug] Loaded modules:
[22:55:31] [debug] 00400000 - 00519000 samp-server.exe
[22:55:31] [debug] 76f10000 - 770b3000 ntdll.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 761d0000 - 762c0000 KERNEL32.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] 74ff0000 - 75205000 KERNELBASE.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 75740000 - 75cf3000 SHELL32.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 754d0000 - 7554b000 msvcp_win.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 76d60000 - 76e80000 ucrtbase.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 75e00000 - 75fa0000 USER32.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 74dd0000 - 74de8000 win32u.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 75d00000 - 75d24000 GDI32.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 75210000 - 752ec000 gdi32full.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 738c0000 - 738c8000 WSOCK32.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 76a00000 - 76abf000 msvcrt.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 756d0000 - 75733000 WS2_32.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 75d30000 - 75def000 RPCRT4.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 743b0000 - 743d8000 WINMM.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 76050000 - 76075000 IMM32.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] 73ff0000 - 7401e000 d3dgearload.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 76e80000 - 76efa000 ADVAPI32.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 74e50000 - 74ec5000 sechost.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 10000000 - 1000d000 sscanf.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] 73800000 - 738bf000 MSVCR100.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 02290000 - 0229d000 sscanf1.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] 737c0000 - 737fe000 streamer.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] 73750000 - 737b9000 MSVCP100.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 73710000 - 7374e000 streamer1.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] 02450000 - 0245f000 mysql.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] 73460000 - 73503000 MSVCR90.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 733d0000 - 7345e000 MSVCP90.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 027d0000 - 02a0e000 LIBMYSQL.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 736f0000 - 73701000 napinsp.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 736d0000 - 736e6000 pnrpnsp.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 736c0000 - 736d0000 wshbth.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 733b0000 - 733c6000 NLAapi.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 732d0000 - 73302000 IPHLPAPI.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] 713a0000 - 713f2000 mswsock.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 73160000 - 731f1000 DNSAPI.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 76ac0000 - 76ac7000 NSI.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 736b0000 - 736be000 winrnr.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 733a0000 - 733a8000 rasadhlp.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 6cf10000 - 6cf6c000 crashdetect.DLL
[22:55:31] [debug] 6c280000 - 6c2ed000 MSVCP140.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 71190000 - 711a5000 VCRUNTIME140.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 75340000 - 75423000 ole32.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 76ad0000 - 76d51000 combase.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 73320000 - 73378000 fwpuclnt.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 74fd0000 - 74fe9000 bcrypt.dll
[22:55:31] [debug] 76090000 - 760ef000 bcryptPrimitives.dll
Dei uma analizada e o problema parece se encontrar nessa stock, provavelmente em algum desses loops:
Código PHP:
stock InternalNotification_Show(const title[], const message[], const message2[], const icon[] = "hud:radar_triads")
for(new x=-1;++x<notifyIndex;) {
for(new i=-1;++i<7;) TextDrawDestroy(notifyPTD[(x*7) + i]);
notifyInfo[notifyIndex-x] = notifyInfo[(notifyIndex-x)-1];
strmid(notifyInfo[0][ntTitle], title, 0, MAX_NT_TITLE);
strmid(notifyInfo[0][ntMessage], message, 0, MAX_NT_STRING);
strmid(notifyInfo[0][ntMessage2], message2, 0, MAX_NT_STRING2);
strmid(notifyInfo[0][ntIcon], icon, 0, 20);
notifyInfo[0][ntLines] = getSizeMessage(message);
notifyInfo[0][ntLines] = getSizeMessage2(message2);
new Float:static_x=0.0;
for(new x-1;++x<notifyIndex;) {
createNotifyTD(x, x * 7, static_x);
static_x+=(notifyInfo[x][ntLines] * 7.5) + 34.1;
SetTimerEx(#destroy_notify, SECONDS_NT * 1000, false, #i);
return 1;